How old do you have to be to rent a car in Fairfield ?
Rental car rulesin Fairfield require drivers to be 21 and older.Are you a young driver?Some surcharges and restrictionscould apply.Rental companiesimpose what is known asa young renter surcharge,which is an extra feeto the rental car cost.Restrictions usually apply tothe categories of carsyoung motorists can rent as well.Age limits may differbetween suppliers,so check before booking.
What do you need to rent a car in Fairfield ?
Most rental companieswill ask for these two things —your driver’s licenseand a credit card in your name.If you want toopt out of thesupplier’s insurance plan,proof of your own coveragewill also likely be needed.Check your policyso you know what to bringwhen it’s time to collect your wheels.
What is the cheapest car rental in Fairfield ?
According to prices found within the past seven days,the lowest daily ratefor a cheap car rental in Fairfield was.The next lowest price was a day.