Rental car rulesin 拉弗require drivers to be 21 and over.Are you a younger driver?Some surcharges and restrictionsmay apply.Rental providersimpose what is known asa young renter surcharge,which is an additional feeto the cost of the rental car.Restrictions often apply tothe categories of carsyoung motorists can rent as well.Age limits may differbetween providers,so check before booking.
What do you need to rent a car in 拉弗?
You’ll need to presenta valid driver’s licenseand a credit card in your namewhen you get to the rental counter.Prior to pickup,checkwith your rental supplierwhether other documentation is needed.For example, you may also need to showproof of auto insurance.
What is the cheapest car rental in 拉弗?
and were the lowest daily pricesfor rental vehicles in拉弗within the past seven days.