Rental car rulesin 穆卡拉require drivers to be 21 and above.Are you a young driver?Some restrictions and surchargesmay apply.Many rental suppliersimpose what is known asa young driver surcharge,which is an additional feeto the rental car cost.Restrictions usually apply tothe types of carsyoung drivers can rent as well.Age limits may differbetween providers,so check before you book.
What do you need to rent a car in 穆卡拉?
Renting a car in 穆卡拉is easy.Usually,all you’ll needis your driver’s licenseand a credit card.After settling onyour perfect set of wheels,read the terms and conditionsto make sure there are noextra requirementsprior to pickup.
What is the cheapest car rental in 穆卡拉?
With pricesstarting as low asand per day in穆卡拉within the past seven days,you’ll be cruising offwith your own incredible dealin no time.