“It needs some updating, and keeping up with paint, and bathrooms may need additional maintenance/cleaning (they don't use bleach to clean), but overall, it's a nice place in a great location. We stayed 6 nights, mainly to sleep and keep visiting the area. Overall some small improvements are needed, but really good value for the area. ”
Convento de San Francisco位于拉里奥哈。几公里以内有 6 家酒店及其他住宿,方便您入住。
Convento de San Francisco附近多少家酒店?
在 Expedia 网站上,距离Convento de San Francisco几公里内有 6 家酒店和其他住宿,方便您入住。
如果我需要取消Convento de San Francisco附近的酒店预订,我能获得退款吗?
是的!多数客房预订都可以获得全额退款,只须在酒店规定的取消截至时间之前取消——一般是您到达日期的24 到 48 小时之前。 如果您有一个不可退款的订单,您说不定还是能在刚刚预订24 小时之内获得退款。 选择日期,点击“搜索”,然后使用“全额退款”作为筛选条件,就可以获得Convento de San Francisco附近的热门优惠。