Room smelled horrible. Blankets were full of burn holes. A condom was stuck up in the shower. GROSS!! I have stayed here before with no problems. But this time just wasn't the best. For 80 dollars I expect to have a much better experience. The hotel is located in the middle of town which makes it very convenient. Just needs to do better.
2025 年 1 月入住 1 晚
2/10 糟糕
Lora Liz
2024 年 5 月 20 日
Gave up
The hotel lobby was totally ripped apart when I arrived and was asked to come back in an hour. After a long drive I was ready to check in, I found another hotel.
Lora Liz
2024 年 5 月入住 1 晚
4/10 很差
2022 年 12 月 1 日
Well I was there for two weeks. Thought that I was getting ate up by all the bugs there. Well on my last night there I got up and threw back Thee sheets because I felt something crawling on me! BED BUGS!!!!! I have been getting bite by these nasty things in my bed! Threw all of my laundry in a dumpster when I got back to my hometown because I don’t want those nasty things in my house!