The apartment is beautiful and clean. Leather on chairs and sofa is worn, but clean and comfortable. We were given early check in, which was helpful.
The area did not feel safe, many homeless. Mostly an issue because we had to walk through a number of homeless, seemingly impaired begging people to get to closest indoor parking.
The elevator wasn’t working. They communicated this to us just before we got there so at least we knew it. If your elevator is not working, I suggest you clean the garbage from the stairwell. It was stinky and didn’t exactly make a good impression (especially after we parked offsite, dragged bags along a snowy sidewalk through numerous homeless, then we were lugging bags through stairwell with garbage on landing).
Finally, neighbours slamming hallwall doors woke us at night (seems like sound only carried via the front door, otherwise didn’t hear anything from anyone else).