“Perfect spot for overnighting with my sisters.
Only suggestion is to do something about that last step. There is nothing to hold onto there and footing is uneven.
My sister...in her 80s...took a nasty fall. Scrapes, bruises and sore muscles...Bump to head. Fortunately, nothing broken.
若有时间,不妨去Banksia Park (班克西亚公园)和Yankalilla Memorial Park (延卡里拉纪念公园),在户外度过休闲的一天。林克斯夫人湾高尔夫球场、拉迪贝葡萄园和High Country Trails是当地值得一游的地方。卡里克卡林加海滩和Yankalilla District Historical Museum都值得一游。