Without of doubt the worst accommodation, avoid. I arrived at 830pm after hours check in which was fine, instructions a little vague but i managed to get to my room. I opened the door & instantly was overcome by a powerful stench that resembled extremely bad body odour. I said to myself surely that smells not coming from the room, maybe a windows open? Is it the plumbing or even possibly me? No i was right the first time, it was the room, it was that unbearable i had to walk back outside. The guest next to me walked outside & introduced herself, I asked if her room smelled, hers didn’t. I told her the smell in my room. I opened the door to get my belongings & the guest said “oh I can smell it now” and she was a few metres away from the door. As it was late, and it was after hours I decided to book accom else were, I emailed banksia tourist park complaining about the state of the room, & I’d be staying at accom elsewhere & I requested a refund. I could have contaced the after hours phone number & request to change rooms, but it was late & school holidays I just wanted to sleep in a clean room. The next day the tourist park responded & said the room was checked prior to my arrival & there was no smell, they declined to refund for the stay. I then stated for the sake of the business maybe someone else should inspect the room. They then stated the room was inspected by a manager who removed the bed, sheeting, fridge & the aircon lol & stated there was no smell. Liars, I gave up.