8/10 还可以Gregory2024 年 6 月 3 日满意:员工和服务不满意:清洁度、住宿条件和设施、客房舒适度通过谷歌翻译Don't expect to much Gregory2024 年 5 月入住 2 晚0
10/10 超赞Joel2024 年 5 月 4 日满意:清洁度、员工和服务、服务设施、住宿条件和设施通过谷歌翻译This place is one of the cheapest in town, its on a quiet street just behind 711, 30 second walk to the pier to koh samet. The guesthouse owner was very helpful, does anything possible to help the guests. Joel2024 年 4 月入住 1 晚0