I was shocked when i pulled up to the Hotel and saw it. It looked a little ran down, the parking lot was covered in ice, and was not sanded. I went to check in and the gentleman behind the counter was a little belligerent. I got my key and went to the room and when I entered the room is when the real shock kicked in. The room was old. The furniture was straight out of the 70's. The curtains had holes, the blanket had holes, the fridge was dented, the walls had water marks everywhere. The walls had plaster patch work done that was never finished just blobs of dry plaster never sanded or painted. The bathroom had the same patch work done as the walls in the main room but also have tiles patched with globs of cocking. The fan had no cover and was loud. The room smelled old. The worse thing was, the images of the room on the Expedia website was nothing like the room at all. On Expedia the rooms are presented like rooms you would get at any of the big name hotels, but the reality was much different. Same on you Expedia for this false advertising.