Av. do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses 35, 9060-190 Funchal, Portugal | Please inform the name of your hotel in Funchal upon booking. The pick up might not be exactly at your hotel, but the supplier will reconfirm the exact pick up place and point after booking.
然后我们将穿过山脉,直到到达埃拉杜塞拉多(Eira do Serrado),从那里您可以欣赏到 1094 米高的 Curral das Freiras 的壮丽景色。
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Av. do Mar e das Comunidades Madeirenses 35, 9060-190 Funchal, Portugal | Please inform the name of your hotel in Funchal upon booking. The pick up might not be exactly at your hotel, but the supplier will reconfirm the exact pick up place and point after booking.