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- 通过令人着迷的自助语音导览探索奥兰治市
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- 探索博物馆丰富的 19 世纪绘画藏品
- 从最佳有利位置欣赏奥兰治市的壮丽景色
- 探索城市最有活力的地区
- Orange
- Orange, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
- Orange Roman Theatre and Museum: There is no meeting point for the Orange Roman Theatre and Museum. The self-guided audio tour is designed to start just at the entrance of the Roman Theatre of Orange. (Rue Madeleine Roch, 84100 Orange, France). Located in the center of the city of Orange, the easiest way to get there is on foot. The tour ends inside the Orange Museum. Orange City: There is no meeting point for the Orange City self-guided audio tour. The self-guided audio tour is designed to start at Orange's Arc de Triomphe (Av. de l'Arc de Triomphe, 84100 Orange, France). The easiest way to get there is by taking either bus 901 or 903 and getting off at the Arc de Triomphe bus stop. From there, it's just a short one-minute walk (33 meters) to reach the Arc de Triomphe. The tour ends at the Princes of Nassau’s château, which is located atop Saint Eutropius Hill (Square des Orangevilles, 4B Mnt Lambert, 84100 Orange, France).
- Orange, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
- 营业时间:周二 9:30 - 16:30
- 英语
CNY160.48 x 1 位成人CNY160.48
- 成人门票前往奥朗日罗马剧场和博物馆
- 在你的智能手机上进行自助式语音导览(安卓和 iOS)。
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- 应用程序与 Windows 手机不兼容
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- 门票前往城市的其他景点和场所。
戴上耳机,通过讲故事的力量,探索古罗马剧场和奥朗日的历史和建筑,以及狮身人面像、韦斯帕芗铭文和 19 世纪艺术家画作的迷人事实,并了解历史信息以及古代和现代不常见的故事和轶事。游览的内容经过深入研究,精炼成简短的原创故事,为您打造内容丰富、引人入胜的游览体验。语音导览可以在您访问之前或之后随时重复使用。
这是一次不容错过的机会,可以深入了解从罗马时期到 20 世纪初奥兰治的艺术和文化,并以完全原创的方式与展品联系起来。
- Orange
- Orange, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
- Orange Roman Theatre and Museum: There is no meeting point for the Orange Roman Theatre and Museum. The self-guided audio tour is designed to start just at the entrance of the Roman Theatre of Orange. (Rue Madeleine Roch, 84100 Orange, France). Located in the center of the city of Orange, the easiest way to get there is on foot. The tour ends inside the Orange Museum. Orange City: There is no meeting point for the Orange City self-guided audio tour. The self-guided audio tour is designed to start at Orange's Arc de Triomphe (Av. de l'Arc de Triomphe, 84100 Orange, France). The easiest way to get there is by taking either bus 901 or 903 and getting off at the Arc de Triomphe bus stop. From there, it's just a short one-minute walk (33 meters) to reach the Arc de Triomphe. The tour ends at the Princes of Nassau’s château, which is located atop Saint Eutropius Hill (Square des Orangevilles, 4B Mnt Lambert, 84100 Orange, France).
- Orange, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France
- There is no meeting point. The self-guided audio tour is designed to start just at the entrance of the Roman Theatre of Orange. (Rue Madeleine Roch, 84100 Orange, France). Located in the center of the city of Orange, the easiest way to get there is on foot. The tour ends inside the Orange Museum.
- Orange, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France