Field of Dreams Parkland, Railway Square, Sarina QLD 4737, Australia | Check in at the front desk of the Sarina Sugar Shed. Meeting point is at the Sarina Sugar Shed located in the Feild of Dreams Parklands in Sarina. Pull through or large vehicle parking for caravans etc is available outside the Visitor Centre in the Parklands which is approximately 100 metres from entrance to the Sugar Shed.
跟随导游参观甘蔗生产过程。在参观完全投入使用的 Plane Creek 磨坊之前,先去甘蔗地看看古老的机器。继续前往工厂,品尝生甘蔗,啜饮鲜榨甘蔗汁。
在这里,您可以品尝到一系列由酿酒厂酿制的美食酱料、酸辣酱、调味品、桶装朗姆酒和水果利口酒,让您的味蕾大饱口福。在甘蔗榨季(6 月下旬至 12 月上旬),可以参观仿造大型榨糖厂的独特微型榨糖厂。
Mackay, Queensland, Australia
Field of Dreams Parkland, Railway Square, Sarina QLD 4737, Australia | Check in at the front desk of the Sarina Sugar Shed. Meeting point is at the Sarina Sugar Shed located in the Feild of Dreams Parklands in Sarina. Pull through or large vehicle parking for caravans etc is available outside the Visitor Centre in the Parklands which is approximately 100 metres from entrance to the Sugar Shed.