Rental car rulesin 市中心require drivers to be 21 and older.Are you a younger driver?Some restrictions and surchargescould apply.Rental outletsimpose what’s known asa young driver surcharge,which is an extra feeto the cost of the rental car.Restrictions generally apply tothe categories of carsavailable to young people as well.Age limits may varybetween companies,so check before booking.
What do you need to rent a car in 市中心?
The main things area valid driver’s licenseand a credit card in your name.Car rental companies will offer you insurance,which is optional.But you may have to provideproof of other coverageif you opt out.Make sure you checkwith your rental agencyto avoid any hassles.
What is the cheapest car rental in 市中心?
We looked into prices over the last seven days and found thatthe lowest daily rate was.The second lowest pricefor rental vehicles in市中心was a day.