“What a beautiful home! And the breakfast was delicious! Parking was easy, felt safe. The lake and church nearby were just picturesque. Definitely recommend!”
“Beautiful old inn! So charming. Great restaurant and bar. Everyone was so friendly. My only downfall was the shower. I’m 6 ft tall almost and it was too small for me. ”
在 Expedia 网站上,距离Potter Place Depot几公里内有 19 家酒店和其他住宿,方便您入住。
如果我需要取消Potter Place Depot附近的酒店预订,我能获得退款吗?
是的!多数酒店客房预订都能全额退款,只须在酒店取消的截止时间之前取消——很可能是您预计到店日期的24 到 48 小时左右之前。 如果您有一个不可退款的订单,您也许还是能在预订24 小时内拿到退款。 选择日期,点击“搜索”,然后通过“全额退款”进行筛选,就可以获得Potter Place Depot附近的可订最佳优惠。
Potter Place Depot周边有哪些游览观光去处?
若有时间,不妨去Mount Kearsarge State Wildlife Management Area、West Peak或East Peak,在室外度过一个休闲的下午。在基尔萨吉峰、Winslow State Park和Mount Kearsarge State Forest Park,您将置身大自然的怀抱,感受轻松氛围。不妨前往褴褛山滑雪度假村、鹿通道或墓地大门一游,体验当地特色。