“The Westman Islends are an amazing area and a must do in Iceland.
The hotel exceeded our expectations and the manager was unbelievably helpful.
Only 2 disadvantaged that would not stop me from returning. Although the beds are very comfortable there is barely enough space to get out of bed:) and that could be a problem for heavier people especially when using the bathroom at night. The second issue is that they do not offer complimentary coffe and sugar in the room . We had our own coffee but……
“Loved this stay! The island is definitely not a place to miss and the cabin added to our experience. Extremely clean, warm blankets, sufficient kitchenette. ”
“Þetta er algjörlega frábært hús og stóðst allar væntingar hópsins. Mæli 100% með þessum gistimöguleika. Gestgjafi hugsar fyrir hverju einasta smáatriði. Allur hópurinn var í skýjunum.”