“Room was not completely remodeled. No coffee pot,no plug ins for lamps,floor was buckled.paint job was poor and sloppy.sjould not be rented out until work was complete.memner of cleaning crew left her kids in laundry room at 11:pm. until after 1:am,had to call desk to solve the high noise problem. Not what you would expect from a Wyndem property. Also phone had no connection.TV was small and did not work properly.”
要感受当地特色,您不妨考虑前往参观岩犬州立公园、Deming Luna Mimbres Museum (德明卢纳明布雷斯博物馆)和Rio Mimbres Country Club (里约明布雷斯乡村俱乐部),晚上再找个地方喝一杯。其他值得一看的地方还包括Organ山脱离峰国家纪念碑和Luna Rossa Winery。德明因其高级餐厅而大受欢迎。